“The translator’s task is daring to transcend words
and looking for other means of expression,
other words which may give new life to thought”
Latest articles
Orlando di Lasso: “Prophetiae Sibyllarum”, based on an anonymous text (1600)
Title in English: "Sibylline Prophecies"
Peter Bergquist: “The Poems of Orlando di Lasso’s ‘Prophetiae Sibyllarum and Their Sources”
Traducción al español: "Los poemas de las 'Prophetiae Sibyllarum' de Orlando di Lasso y sus fuentes"
Robert C. Koons: “Hylomorphic Escalation: An Aristotelian Interpretation of Quantum Thermodynamics and Chemistry” (2017)
Spanish translation: "Escalada hilemórfica: una interpretación aristotélica de la física y la termodinámica cuánticas"
About Me

My name is Jorge Rafael Abuchedid and I am an Argentine Scientific-Literary and Public translator of English (Universidad del Salvador). I currently teach Literary Translation I and II as a full professor at said university. I am a member of the Association of Public Translators of the City of Buenos Aires, as well as an associate of the Argentine Association of Translators and Interpreters. I have also studied Early Music at the Conservatorio Superior de Música Manuel de Falla. I work as a freelance translator and my main fields of interest are social sciences, philosophy, literature, music and arts. If you wish to know more about me, you can read my CV here. You are also welcome to send me an e-mail to rafaabuchedid@hotmail.com for any enquiry or comment.
Photography: Ana Lignelli, https://www.flickr.com/photos/der_baum
If you have any comments regarding the blog or if you wish to know more about my works and services, please send me a message here or to my e-mail, rafaabuchedid@hotmail.com, and I shall answer as soon as possible.